Friday, February 4, 2011

Determination. Gift or Curse?

So today has been a pretty slow day.. Stayed home for most of it and then went to grocery store to get some stuff and got some lil smokies and crescent rolls.. can you say pigs in a blanket?! YUM. Kids have been a bit crazy today but hey, kids are kids. Hard to live with them and can't give them away (jk).

So I made these jalapeƱo things that are wrapped in bacon and filled with breakfast sausage and cream cheese and they were amazing. Had tacos for dinner, which you can't go wrong with tacos. After dinner, turned on the Wii and started playing games with the family.. fun stuff. 

So we are playing the Wii Fit and this is really fun but at some point can get frustrating. You see, there is this balance game on the Wii fit where you are in a Bubble and you have to shift your weight forward, left, right, and back in order to move in those directions and guide yourself to the end of the course.. Well, I have completed it in Record time (compared to my family which consists of my wife and two toddlers), so I say that is a very good accomplishment. Anyways, my wife is trying to complete this and she is amazing me by her new found determination to reach the end of this. After several tries, a quick break, and then several more, she finally gives up.. I then take the platform and defeat my personal best score and there it is...Determination. She has devoted over an hour to conquering this daunting task that is starring her in the face.. Will she win and be knighted for her courage...stay tuned to find out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

So...This is weird

So, I know the name might have caught you off guard but trust me, this will be interesting. You see, I couldn't think of what to write about because there was so much to choose from. My life has been a run of ups and downs and all arounds. Its been great but I just had a great need to share it with someone and I thought, who better than with people I don't know or will possibly never meet, ha ha. 

I'm 26yrs old and am married with two children whom I love but also bring that touch of insanity. Good thing my wife has a sense of humor otherwise my first blog would be my last. Now at this age, I should have a good career with a good salary and a nice house and car with a 5 year plan to buy a boat and go fishing, but it just didn't turn out that way. I'm going to be real with you. I had a great job, that paid really well, but somehow it still wasn't enough to pay for even the general things that are needed. There was this voice (God) that kept telling me that it was time to move on to the next chapter in life (I know what your thinking, "God, really?"), so I took a leap of faith and gave my 6wks notice and quit. Suprisingly, I have been able to still provide for my family, have food to eat, and the simple pleasures in life like bathing and sleeping.. So my life has been a whirlwind of craziness which has caused me to be slightly delusional but I have no complaints, other than wrinkled sheets in the bed. Have a good night